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自我约束和耐力是会随着学习而自动且成比例增长的要素。它在学习过程中起着至关重要的作用,例如警卫和啦啦队长,它们分别为人们提供保护指导和鼓励。它支持人们学习直至成就。相反,如果没有这种情况,人们最终都会失败。 例如: 有许多考试和论文,人们必须在截止日期之前完成学位课程。 如果没有耐力来承受繁重的工作量,人们将很快退出。然而,具有高耐力水平的学生在考試前花费大量时间玩樂。永不要拒绝同学的聚会邀请。最后,人们可能会因缺乏考试准备而失败。因此,只有具備有所有这些要素的人才能最后实现目标。 下图显示了自我约束,耐力和学习之间的关系:


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放松可以减轻我们的压力。 适当的放松可以修复我们的大脑功能從而增强我们的工作能力。 它也可以帮助我们专注于工作,就像充满电的电池一样充满能量。 有多种放松方式:睡觉,读书,看电影,冥想,听音乐或唱歌,做饭或玩游戏。 不过,我想首先向大家强调睡眠,然后再说其它,因为人们将三分之一以上的时间花在睡眠上,这是人类生活中必不可少的事情。 卓越的睡眠质量将使人们充满活力,并朝着成功迈出更重要的一步。 相反,不良的睡眠质量将深刻影响人们的意愿。 行为异常和粗心大意的错误也会严重地出现在工作中。

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几乎每个人都经历过失眠。 因此,由焦虑或恐惧引起的大多数情况都会造成心理负担。 人们越焦虑,更多的人就无法入睡,反复形成恶性循环。 持续失眠会严重影响人们的日常生活和工作。

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人们是否难以入睡,是否沉睡,是否过早起床以及醒来后很难入睡。 除药物治疗外,患者可以通过自我心理调节,自我放松来改善睡眠质量。 放松可以为长期紧张,焦虑和失眠的患者带来良好的效果。在我们的生活中,各种因素都会导致失眠。 为了确保良好的睡眠质量,


1. 在浴室或枕头上撒些精油,以帮助人们放松身心。











1. 思维敏捷

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长期缺乏睡眠,大脑没有足够的休息。 它会影响大脑的创造性思维和处理事物的能力,因此人们希望拥有清晰的思维并迅速做出反应,那么人们必须有足够的睡眠。

2. 改善脾和骨髓的功能

如果熬夜两夜,熬夜将减少脾脏和骨髓的造血功能。 因此,导致贫血的关键因素是长期熬夜和缺乏睡眠。

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另外的因素如遗传学,营养,运动,生长和发育等與生长素的分泌也有特殊的关系。 生长素是下丘脑分泌的一种激素,可促进骨骼,肌肉和器官的发育,因为生长素的分泌与睡眠密切相关。 人入睡后有一个宽的分泌峰,然后有几个小的分泌峰,而在非睡眠状态下,生长素的分泌减少了。 因此,为了使青少年发育良好并长高,睡眠必须充足。



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充足的睡眠可使皮下组织的毛细血管提供足够的营养,使其柔软有光泽。 它也是细胞修复和恢复的重要组成部分。蛋白质构成人类睡眠时细胞的基本元素,可以修复死亡或丢失的细胞。睡眠不足会导致皮肤毛细血管停滞和血液循环问题。当细胞没有获得足够的营养来减少新陈代谢时,它会加速皮肤的衰老,使皮肤不再柔软又有光泽。










好處  壞處
变得聪明  变钝
有光泽的皮肤  暗淡的皮肤
糖尿病预防  糖尿病
抑制癌细胞  容易得癌症
不再生病  容易感冒
无血压高  血压


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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is adult-blur-books-close-up-261909-1024x731.jpg

您正在搜索与您的主题高度相关的所有书籍。 将注释与注释一起记录并存储以备将来使用。 当您有足够的评论时,尝试为您的问题创建结论。 您做的笔记越多,您的结果就越准确。

2. 集思广益

与几个人组成一个学习小组。 通过讨论产生一些创造性的想法,这可能对您的学习很有用。 您可以根据过去的经验(例如学习,工作,沟通和案例研究)来创建想法。 收集所有可能的想法以进行最终筛选,然后我们进行梳理并确定哪些好想法应该适合该研究主题。

3. 反省

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is view-ape-thinking-primate-33535-1024x683.jpg


4. 专家讨论


5. 行动应用程式


6. 频道


7. 沟通


8. 工作


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爱的含义很广泛。就像魔术一样。它赋予了人们动力,方向,目标,愿望和梦想。然而,有了爱,许多人感到轻松愉快。如他们抛弃了這重要的东西,也會因此而失败。因此,我们必须确定什么是爱,我们应该做什么才能实现我们的目标。因此,我们必须加强我们的知识以配合我们的行动。在学习的同时,我们还需要发展无与伦比的耐心,以帮助我们吸收大量所需的材料,而自我约束是必然的要素當你的真爱出现的时。它充当监督角色,可帮助我们避免行为和思想出轨。 最后,我们需要克服内部斗争,净化自己,以平凡的心面对爱情,然后将爱情转化为积极的力量,使我们的梦想成真。下图显示了这五个元素之间的关系

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冠状病毒/ Covid-19严重攻击全世界的人们

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is grayscale-photo-of-baby-feet-with-father-and-mother-hands-in-733881-1024x683.jpg

是时候向家人和朋友表达爱意和保护。 以下是保护步骤:





5 避免聚集

如果每个人都遵循这些步骤。 它有助于阻止细菌传播。 尽管我们不能立即打败冠状病毒,但我们可以拖延其传播疫苗的时间。 希望一切都将很快恢复正常。 人们才可以再次拥有美好的生活,人们的梦想才可以有机会成真!



大多数人希望自己的梦想成真。 但是,关键是,我们如何做到这一点? 什么标准可以使我们的梦想成真?我認為- 爱,放,学习,耐性和自我克制是实现梦想的关键因素。 有人会问 “为什么”这五个因素深刻地影响着我们的梦想?以下讓我向大家详细的解释一下我的見解:







爱的含义很广泛。就像魔术一样。它赋予了人们动力,方向,目标,愿望和梦想。然而,有了爱,许多人感到轻松愉快。如他们抛弃了這重要的东西,也會因此而失败。因此,我们必须确定什么是爱,我们应该做什么才能实现我们的目标。因此,我们必须加强我们的知识以配合我们的行动。在学习的同时,我们还需要发展无与伦比的耐心,以帮助我们吸收大量所需的材料,而自我约束是必然的要素當你的真爱出现的时。它充当监督角色,可帮助我们避免行为和思想出轨。 最后,我们需要克服内部斗争,净化自己,以平凡的心面对爱情,然后将爱情转化为积极的力量,使我们的梦想成真。下图显示了这五个元素之间的关系


冠状病毒/ Covid-19严重攻击全世界的人们

是时候向家人和朋友表达爱意和保护。 以下是保护步骤:





5 避免聚集

如果每个人都遵循这些步骤。 它有助于阻止细菌传播。 尽管我们不能立即打败冠状病毒,但我们可以拖延其传播疫苗的时间。 希望一切都将很快恢复正常。 人们才可以再次拥有美好的生活,人们的梦想才可以有机会成真!


放松可以减轻我们的压力。 适当的放松可以修复我们的大脑功能從而增强我们的工作能力。 它也可以帮助我们专注于工作,就像充满电的电池一样充满能量。 有多种放松方式:睡觉,读书,看电影,冥想,听音乐或唱歌,做饭或玩游戏。 不过,我想首先向大家强调睡眠,然后再说其它,因为人们将三分之一以上的时间花在睡眠上,这是人类生活中必不可少的事情。 卓越的睡眠质量将使人们充满活力,并朝着成功迈出更重要的一步。 相反,不良的睡眠质量将深刻影响人们的意愿。 行为异常和粗心大意的错误也会严重地出现在工作中。

几乎每个人都经历过失眠。 因此,由焦虑或恐惧引起的大多数情况都会造成心理负担。 人们越焦虑,更多的人就无法入睡,反复形成恶性循环。 持续失眠会严重影响人们的日常生活和工作。

人们是否难以入睡,是否沉睡,是否过早起床以及醒来后很难入睡。 除药物治疗外,患者可以通过自我心理调节,自我放松来改善睡眠质量。 放松可以为长期紧张,焦虑和失眠的患者带来良好的效果。在我们的生活中,各种因素都会导致失眠。 为了确保良好的睡眠质量,


1. 在浴室或枕头上撒些精油,以帮助人们放松身心。











1. 思维敏捷

长期缺乏睡眠,大脑没有足够的休息。 它会影响大脑的创造性思维和处理事物的能力,因此人们希望拥有清晰的思维并迅速做出反应,那么人们必须有足够的睡眠。

2. 改善脾和骨髓的功能

如果熬夜两夜,熬夜将减少脾脏和骨髓的造血功能。 因此,导致贫血的关键因素是长期熬夜和缺乏睡眠。


另外的因素如遗传学,营养,运动,生长和发育等與生长素的分泌也有特殊的关系。 生长素是下丘脑分泌的一种激素,可促进骨骼,肌肉和器官的发育,因为生长素的分泌与睡眠密切相关。 人入睡后有一个宽的分泌峰,然后有几个小的分泌峰,而在非睡眠状态下,生长素的分泌减少了。 因此,为了使青少年发育良好并长高,睡眠必须充足。




充足的睡眠可使皮下组织的毛细血管提供足够的营养,使其柔软有光泽。 它也是细胞修复和恢复的重要组成部分。蛋白质构成人类睡眠时细胞的基本元素,可以修复死亡或丢失的细胞。睡眠不足会导致皮肤毛细血管停滞和血液循环问题。当细胞没有获得足够的营养来减少新陈代谢时,它会加速皮肤的衰老,使皮肤不再柔软又有光泽。










好處  壞處
变得聪明  变钝
有光泽的皮肤  暗淡的皮肤
糖尿病预防  糖尿病
抑制癌细胞  容易得癌症
不再生病  容易感冒
无血压高  血压



您正在搜索与您的主题高度相关的所有书籍。 将注释与注释一起记录并存储以备将来使用。 当您有足够的评论时,尝试为您的问题创建结论。 您做的笔记越多,您的结果就越准确。

2. 集思广益

与几个人组成一个学习小组。 通过讨论产生一些创造性的想法,这可能对您的学习很有用。 您可以根据过去的经验(例如学习,工作,沟通和案例研究)来创建想法。 收集所有可能的想法以进行最终筛选,然后我们进行梳理并确定哪些好想法应该适合该研究主题。

3. 反省


4. 专家讨论


5. 行动应用程式


6. 频道


7. 沟通


8. 工作



自我约束和耐力是会随着学习而自动且成比例增长的要素。它在学习过程中起着至关重要的作用,例如警卫和啦啦队长,它们分别为人们提供保护指导和鼓励。它支持人们学习直至成就。相反,如果没有这种情况,人们最终都会失败。 例如: 有许多考试和论文,人们必须在截止日期之前完成学位课程。 如果没有耐力来承受繁重的工作量,人们将很快退出。然而,具有高耐力水平的学生在考試前花费大量时间玩樂。永不要拒绝同学的聚会邀请。最后,人们可能会因缺乏考试准备而失败。因此,只有具備有所有这些要素的人才能最后实现目标。 下图显示了自我约束,耐力和学习之间的关系:


Most people want their dreams to come true. However, the point is, how can we make it? What criteria make our dreams come true? Love, Relaxation, Learning, Endurance, and Self restrain are the key elements that make a dream come true. Somebody will ask

“Why” these five elements are profoundly affecting our dreams? Let found the explanation in details showed as below:

Love…………………….is a kind of motivation and direction.

Relaxation…………..makes people feeling confident.

Learning……………. gives us tools and solutions for their obstacles.

Self-restrain………..misbehavior ruins everything.

Endurance…………..without patient, nobody would wait for the right timing.

This blog channel will try to display articles, musical short films, and the scenery music videos are related to these areas. Let all audiences reinforce their five ingrained elements and achieve success shortly.


The meaning of love is quite extensive. It just likes magic; it gives people motivation, direction, target, wishes, and dream. However, with love, many people are feeling relaxed and happy. They leave the important things behind and fail consequently. Therefore, we have to identify what is love, what should we do to achieve our goal. Thus, we have to strengthen our supportable knowledge to match our actions. While we are learning, we also need to develop our incomparable patience to help us absorb large quantities of materials we need, and self-restraint is an essential element when love appears. It acts as a supervisory role that helps us avoid behavior and ideas derailed.

 Finally, we need to overcome our internal fighting, purifying ourselves to face love with ordinary hearts, and then turn love into positive power to make our dreams come true. Following illustration show the relationship between these five elements

Love in here concerning how to treat friends and family member, especially in recent months. Coronavirus/Covid-19 attacking people in the whole world seriously.

It is the right time to show love and protection to the family members and friends. Following are the protection steps:

1, Wear Facial Mask

2, Wash hand before eating or rubbing eyes

3, Keep a safety talking distance when talking

4, Keep a child in a cleaning and safety environment such as home

5, Avoid gathering

If everybody following these steps. It helps stop transmitting bacteria. Although we cannot defeat the coronavirus immediately, we can procrastinate its transmission time for the vaccine. Hoping that everything will back to normal very soon. People can have a better life again, and their dreams can have a chance to become true!


Relaxation can relieve our stress. Appropriate relaxation can restore our brain and enhances our ability to work. It can also help us focus on work, just like a fully charged battery is full of energy. There are many ways to relax: sleeping, reading, watching movies, meditation, listening to music or song, cooking, or playing games. Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize sleep to you guys first and the rest later on the forthcoming post because people spend their time more than one-third on sleeping, the essential things in human life. Excellent quality of sleep will make people power up and a more significant step towards success. On the contrary, bad quality of sleep will profoundly affect people’s will. Abnormal behaviors and careless mistakes will also appear in works seriously.

Almost everyone has experienced Insomnia. Most cases caused by anxiety or fear, consequently, create a psychological burden. The more anxious people have, the more people cannot fall asleep, repeatedly forming a vicious circle. Persisting Insomnia will seriously affect people’s daily life and work.

Whether people are falling asleep with difficulty, not deep in sleep, wake up too early, and hard to fall asleep again after waking up.

Except for drug treatment, patients can go through self-psychological adjustment, self-relaxation to improve their sleeping quality.

Relaxation can bring good results to patients with long-term tension, anxiety, and Insomnia. In our life, various factors cause Insomnia.

To ensure good our sleeping quality, we should pay attention to the following points when we are sleeping:

1. Sprinkle some essential oil in the bathroom or on the pillows to help people relax.

2. To develop a regular sleeping schedule, do not sleep during the day, and work at night.

3. Insomnia often occurs in situations of mental stress, psychological stress, and anxiety. People may try to restore their normal sleep mode by listening to soft music.

4. Do more exercise during the day time that may help people fall asleep more easily at night.

5. Do not drink caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and cola before going to bed. Caffeine is a stimulant that can hinder sleep.

6. Avoid eating within two hours before sleeping because it is difficult to fall asleep after a meal.

7. Keep people’s bedroom quiet and avoid noise.

8. Do not watch scary or violent movies before going to bed.

9. Do not drink alcohol at night because it will increase people’s urine and disrupt people to sleep.

10. Eliminating all people’s bodies ‘ discomfort before bedtime, keep the bed flat, comfortable and warm, and maintain proper temperature, humidity, and ventilation.

Sufficient sleep will bring people the following benefits:

  1. Thinking agile

Long-term lack of sleep, the brain does not have adequate rest. It will affect the brain’s creative thinking and ability to tackle things, so people want to have clear thinking and quickly respond, then people must have enough sleep.

2. Improving the functions of spleen and bone marrow

Staying up all night will reduce the hematopoietic function of the spleen and bone marrow if two nights will double. Therefore, the critical factors that lead to anemia are the long-term stay up late and lack of sleep.

3.  Facilitate body growth

In addition to factors such as genetics, nutrition, and exercise, growth, and development have a particular relationship with the secretion of auxin. Auxin is a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus, which can promote the development of bones, muscles, and organs because the secretion of auxin is closely related to sleep. There is a broad secretion peak after a person is asleep, and then there are several small secretion peaks, while in the non-sleep state, the secretion of auxin reduced. Therefore, for adolescents to develop well and grow tall, sleep must be adequate.

4. Physical rehabilitation

It is the primary purpose of sleep.

5.  Beauty prescription

Adequate sleeping makes the capillaries of the subcutaneous tissue provide sufficient nutrition, making it soft and shiny.

It is also an essential part of cell repair and recovery. Proteins form the essential elements of cells as the human sleeps that can repair dead or missing cells. Insufficient sleep can cause skin capillaries to stagnate and circulation problems. When the cells do not get enough nutrition to reduce the metabolism, it accelerates the aging of the skin, makes no more the skin soft and shiny again.

6.  Control blood pressure

Enough sleep can cope with daily stress. If sleep is less than 8 hours, the body may not easily face the pressure. Thus it speeding up the heartbeat and resulting in increased blood pressure; eventually evolved into hypertension.

7.  Diabetes prevention

Adequate sleep can help the body secrete insulin and slow down the chance of rapid blood sugar rise and diabetes.

8.  Cancer reduction

Studies have found that hormone melatonin in the body controls the sleep cycle, and its function helps suppress cancer cells. However, working at night is less than the amount of melatonin found in people who work during day time. Therefore, studies found that the darker bedroom will help to increase the secretion of melatonin.

9.  Enhance immunity

Sleeping helps the immune system repairs and improves itself in order to fight off invading bacteria.

Please see the advantage and disadvantage of the sleeping table showed as below:

Become smartBecome dull
Help growthslow down growth
shiny skindim skin
Diabetes preventionDiabetes
Suppress cancer celleasy have cancer
no more sickeasy catch cold
no blood pressurehigh blood pressure


1. Take note

You were searching for all books highly related to your topic. Taking notes with your comments and store them for future use. Try to create a conclusion for your question when you have sufficient comments. The more notes you take, the more accurate your outcome will be.

2. Brainstorming

Form a study group with few people. Through discussion to generate some creative ideas, that might be useful in your learning.

You can create ideas base on your past experiences, such as learning, working, communication, and case studies. Collecting all possible ideas for final screening, then we sort out and identify which good ideas should be the suitable one for the study topic.

3. Introspection

Always ask and think “How”, “Why”, “What if” about your new tools learned from books. To ensure that you fully understand what you have learned, you must always try to substitute all new appliances in a realistic situation or pick some cases to execute as an example.

4. Expert Discussion

Inviting a friend or guest who is an expert on the topic you are studying. Discussing with the expert about what you have known, but not yet sure the outcome. Eliminating all vague situation and help deepen your knowledge and exploit all information you should know but not yet know. Asking the expert to coach you for comments helps to turn your mindset into an expert.

5. Mobile apps

Exploiting some useful Mobile apps can help us to upgrade our knowledge. For example, English grammar.

6. Channel

Some channels are offering courses for free such as YouTube. It provided extensive subjects, including English grammar, lifestyle, and information.

7. Communication

Always consulting seniors or people with experience’s opinions, they will give you kind comments. However, please politely ask them for positive results.

8. Working

When you are stuck in working or studying, mark down all difficulties and share them with your co-worker or classmate. They must have experience in the same case.

Self-restraint and endurance

Self-restraint and endurance are the elements that will growth automatically and proportionally with learning. It plays an essential role in the learning processes, such as guard and cheerleader, which gives people protection guidance and encouragement, respectively. It supports people learning until accomplishment. On the contrary, people will fail at the end in any case without it.

For instance:

There are many examinations and thesis people have to go through a degree course with the deadline.

People will withdraw very soon if no endurance to stand for a heavy workload. However, a cable person with a high level of endurance is actively spending much time on play with on playing. Never deny classmates’ party invitation. Finally, people may fail by a lack of exam preparation.  Thus, only the person with all these elements can achieve the goal.

Following illustration showing the relationships between self- restraint, endurance, and learning:

Self-restraint and endurance

Self-restraint and endurance are the elements that will growth automatically and proportionally with learning. It plays an essential role in the learning processes, such as guard and cheerleader, which gives people protection guidance and encouragement, respectively. It supports people learning until accomplishment. On the contrary, people will fail at the end in any case without it.

For instance:

There are many examinations and thesis people have to go through a degree course with the deadline.

People will withdraw very soon if no endurance to stand for a heavy workload. However, a cable person with a high level of endurance is actively spending much time on play with on playing. Never deny classmates’ party invitation. Finally, people may fail by a lack of exam preparation.  Thus, only the person with all these elements can achieve the goal.

Following illustration showing the relationships between self- restraint, endurance, and learning:


1. Taking notes

You were searching for all books highly related to your topic. Taking notes with your comments and store them for future use. Try to create a conclusion for your question when you have sufficient comments. The more notes you take, the more accurate your outcome will be.

2. Brainstorming

Form a study group with few people. Through discussion to generate some creative ideas, that might be useful in your learning.

You can create ideas base on your past experiences, such as learning, working, communication, and case studies. Collecting all possible ideas for final screening, then we sort out and identify which good ideas should be the suitable one for the study topic.

3. Introspection

Always ask and think “How”, “Why”, “What if” about your new tools learned from books. To ensure that you fully understand what you have learned, you must always try to substitute all new appliances in a realistic situation or pick some cases to execute as an example.

4. Expert Discussion

Inviting a friend or guest who is an expert on the topic you are studying. Discussing with the expert about what you have known, but not yet sure the outcome. Eliminating all vague situation and help deepen your knowledge and exploit all information you should know but not yet know. Asking the expert to coach you for comments helps to turn your mindset into an expert.


5. Mobile apps

Exploiting some useful Mobile apps can help us to upgrade our knowledge. For example, English grammar.

6. Channel

Some channels are offering courses for free such as YouTube. It provided extensive subjects, including English grammar, lifestyle, and information.

7. Communication

Always consulting seniors or people with experience’s opinions, they will give you kind comments. However, please politely ask them for positive results.

8. Working

When you are stuck in working or studying, mark down all difficulties and share them with your co-worker or classmate. They must have experience in the same case.


Relaxation can relieve our stress. Appropriate relaxation can restore our brain and enhances our ability to work. It can also help us focus on work, just like a fully charged battery is full of energy. There are many ways to relax: sleeping, reading, watching movies, meditation, listening to music or song, cooking, or playing games. Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize sleep to you guys first and the rest later on the forthcoming post because people spend their time more than one-third on sleeping, the essential things in human life. Excellent quality of sleep will make people power up and a more significant step towards success. On the contrary, bad quality of sleep will profoundly affect people’s will. Abnormal behaviors and careless mistakes will also appear in works seriously.

Almost everyone has experienced Insomnia. Most cases caused by anxiety or fear, consequently, create a psychological burden. The more anxious people have, the more people cannot fall asleep, repeatedly forming a vicious circle. Persisting Insomnia will seriously affect people’s daily life and work.

Whether people are falling asleep with difficulty, not deep in sleep, wake up too early, and hard to fall asleep again after waking up.

Except for drug treatment, patients can go through self-psychological adjustment, self-relaxation to improve their sleeping quality.

Relaxation can bring good results to patients with long-term tension, anxiety, and Insomnia. In our life, various factors cause Insomnia.

To ensure good our sleeping quality, we should pay attention to the following points when we are sleeping:

1. Sprinkle some essential oil in the bathroom or on the pillows to help people relax.

2. To develop a regular sleeping schedule, do not sleep during the day, and work at night.

3. Insomnia often occurs in situations of mental stress, psychological stress, and anxiety. People may try to restore their normal sleep mode by listening to soft music.

4. Do more exercise during the day time that may help people fall asleep more easily at night.

5. Do not drink caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and cola before going to bed. Caffeine is a stimulant that can hinder sleep.

6. Avoid eating within two hours before sleeping because it is difficult to fall asleep after a meal.

7. Keep people’s bedroom quiet and avoid noise.

8. Do not watch scary or violent movies before going to bed.

9. Do not drink alcohol at night because it will increase people’s urine and disrupt people to sleep.

10. Eliminating all people’s bodies ‘ discomfort before bedtime, keep the bed flat, comfortable and warm, and maintain proper temperature, humidity, and ventilation.

Sufficient sleep will bring people the following benefits:

1. Thinking agile

Long-term lack of sleep, the brain does not have adequate rest. It will affect the brain’s creative thinking and ability to tackle things, so people want to have clear thinking and quickly respond, then people must have enough sleep.

2. Improving the functions of spleen and bone marrow

Staying up all night will reduce the hematopoietic function of the spleen and bone marrow if two nights will double. Therefore, the critical factors that lead to anemia are the long-term stay up late and lack of sleep.

3.  Facilitate body growth

In addition to factors such as genetics, nutrition, and exercise, growth, and development have a particular relationship with the secretion of auxin. Auxin is a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus, which can promote the development of bones, muscles, and organs because the secretion of auxin is closely related to sleep. There is a broad secretion peak after a person is asleep, and then there are several small secretion peaks, while in the non-sleep state, the secretion of auxin reduced. Therefore, for adolescents to develop well and grow tall, sleep must be adequate.

4. Physical rehabilitation

It is the primary purpose of sleep.

5.  Beauty prescription

Adequate sleeping makes the capillaries of the subcutaneous tissue provide sufficient nutrition, making it soft and shiny.

It is also an essential part of cell repair and recovery. Proteins form the essential elements of cells as the human sleeps that can repair dead or missing cells. Insufficient sleep can cause skin capillaries to stagnate and circulation problems. When the cells do not get enough nutrition to reduce the metabolism, it accelerates the aging of the skin, makes no more the skin soft and shiny again.

6.  Control blood pressure

Enough sleep can cope with daily stress. If sleep is less than 8 hours, the body may not easily face the pressure. Thus it speeding up the heartbeat and resulting in increased blood pressure; eventually evolved into hypertension.

7.  Diabetes prevention

Adequate sleep can help the body secrete insulin and slow down the chance of rapid blood sugar rise and diabetes.

8.  Cancer reduction

Studies have found that hormone melatonin in the body controls the sleep cycle, and its function helps suppress cancer cells. However, working at night is less than the amount of melatonin found in people who work during day time. Therefore, studies found that the darker bedroom will help to increase the secretion of melatonin.

9.  Enhance immunity

Sleeping helps the immune system repairs and improves itself in order to fight off invading bacteria.

Please see the advantage and disadvantage of the sleeping table showed as below:

Become smartBecome dull
Help growthslow down growth
shiny skindim skin
Diabetes preventionDiabetes
Suppress cancer celleasy have cancer
no more sickeasy catch cold
no blood pressurehigh blood pressure


The meaning of love is quite extensive. It just likes magic; it gives people motivation, direction, target, wishes, and dream. However, with love, many people are feeling relaxed and happy. They leave the important things behind and fail consequently. Therefore, we have to identify what is love, what should we do to achieve our goal. Thus, we have to strengthen our supportable knowledge to match our actions. While we are learning, we also need to develop our incomparable patience to help us absorb large quantities of materials we need, and self-restraint is an essential element when love appears. It acts as a supervisory role that helps us avoid behavior and ideas derailed.

 Finally, we need to overcome our internal fighting, purifying ourselves to face love with ordinary hearts, and then turn love into positive power to make our dreams come true. Following illustration show the relationship between these five elements

Love in here concerning how to treat friends and family member, especially in recent months. Coronavirus/Covid-19 attacking people in the whole world seriously.

It is the right time to show love and protection to the family members and friends. Following are the protection steps:

1, Wear Facial Mask

2, Wash hand before eating or rubbing eyes

3, Keep a safety talking distance when talking

4, Keep a child in a cleaning and safety environment such as home

5, Avoid gathering

If everybody following these steps. It helps stop transmitting bacteria. Although we cannot defeat the coronavirus immediately, we can procrastinate its transmission time for the vaccine. Hoping that everything will back to normal very soon. People can have a better life again, and their dreams can have a chance to become true!